Net zero, biodiversity and our Environment network
Net zero
Why this matters
We believe there is an urgent need to transition to a world where global warming is limited to 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change. It’s clear to us that the legal sector has a key role to play in supporting businesses through that transition and we are committed to playing our part in our business and in the advice we provide.
Our ambition
Setting and verifying a target with the Science Based Target's Initiative is a key strategic priority for us. Our Executive Board has committed to having a science-based near term target.
Given that our supply chain is a significant proportion of our carbon footprint, our net zero agenda this year has focussed on building a more accurate Scope 3 footprint through our supplier relationships, so we can influence and bring about a reduction in the amounts of carbon within our supply chain.
Our progress this year
This year our Scope 1 & 2 emissions were 741 tCO2e, 34% lower than our 2020 baseline*. For further details see our operational efficiency section. Our emissions associated with travel were also down by 8% this year compared to our 2020 baseline year**.
We achieved our commitment to becoming carbon neutral in our operations by the end of 2023, for Scope 1, 2 and 3 business travel***. We have purchased offsets with respect to those emissions. However, given the urgent nature of the climate crisis, we know this is not enough.
We are working hard to deliver to a science-based target and helping to lead progress across the sector through Legal Charter 1.5, aligning with the Law Society Guidelines.
Below you can read about some of our successes and key developments over the past 18 months.
*Data reflects TW UK offices (London, Liverpool, and Cambridge).
**Booked business travel through our travel agency.
***Refer to Page 25 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for definitions.
Our Scope 1 & 2 emissions were 34% lower than our 2020 baseline
Our emmissions associated with travel were down 8% this year

Leading on the Legal Charter 1.5, cross-industry initiatives and COP28
We are a driving force behind, and a founder signatory of, Legal Charter 1.5, a landmark initiative launched in 2023 to help law firms deliver change in responding to the climate crisis.
The Charter, which has been developed collaboratively by a group of large commercial and corporate law firms, consists of a set of eight core principles that signatories commit to, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the speed and scale necessary to restrict global warming to no more than 1.5°C.
The eight core principles outlined in the Charter include the development of a methodology on advised emissions; education and upskilling of staff across the legal profession, including junior lawyers; focused pro bono; and meaningful offsetting. Each of the principles of the Charter, which law firms commit to when signing, is underpinned by corresponding projects including focused pro bono through the 'One Million Hours' pledge and the development of a quantitative methodology for advised emissions.
We are founding members of the Legal Sustainability Alliance, the leading sustainability network for law firms and the legal sector, enabling members to address the climate emergency and transition to Net Zero.
We’re also a steering group member of the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance, aligning to their commitments including, but not limited to, reducing our operational emissions. Both alliances have proved invaluable with the resources they have shared, the optimism they create and the drive to change the legal industry.
Leaders from our Dubai office also attended COP28, held in the city in late 2023. The meeting was the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference and the latest updates were shared with our business.
Strengthening our governance structure and resources
We have restructured our Responsible Business governance structures, including our Environment Steering Group for increased accountability and effectiveness. This is our internal body charged with driving our progress towards our net zero agenda. Claire Rainsford was appointed as our new Head of Sustainability to accelerate our approach in this area. This is strengthened by our Environment network, formed by a group of volunteers who are passionate about the agenda.
Started the refurbishment of our London office headquarters
In October 2023 we temporarily decanted our 5 New Street Square office to make way for a modern refurbishment rather than commissioning a new build. This decision has significantly reduced our creation of embodied carbon. Naturally, we are factoring in carbon and other aspects of ESG into our decision making and design briefs for the refurbishment.
Biodiversity and natural capital
We know that environmental sustainability is not just about carbon emissions. Biodiversity and natural capital more generally are equally as important in the role they must play in limiting emissions and helping us adapt to a changing climate. We, like many others, are just starting to truly understand our dependency and impact on nature. We have much more to do to embed this into our decision making.
In 2023 we contributed to nature by:
Helping to improve the condition of natural sites for nature and people through our partnership with The Conservation Volunteers.
Planting one tree for every employee and partner (921) in partnership with Ecologi. They support a mixture of UK and international projects and trees are carefully selected and native to each project. This included Forest Gardens in Tanzania.
Helping to improve the condition of natural sites for nature and people through our partnership with The Conservation Volunteers
Planting one tree for every employee and partner (921) in partnership with Ecologi. They support a mixture of UK and international projects and trees are carefully selected and native to each project. This included Forest Gardens in Tanzania.
Next year's focus
Science-based targets
We will continue to progress on our journey including refining our science-based target data, building it into our decision making and providing additional reporting. We will be refining our supplier questionnaires and conducting an updated employee commuter survey.
Encouraging more awareness
We want to increase participation through our networks in environmental matters, from conservation days to pro bono opportunities and increase our engagement with our clients on this important topic.